What's New?
Jul 11 2024, GOF V10.14 Released
- GOF ECO: Bug fix for metal only ECO spare flop selection
- GOF ECO: Enhancement in set/reset flop conversion for spare flop mapping
- GOF ECO: Bug fix in Innovus script generation
- GOF Link: Customized AI generated support content
May 28 2024, GOF V10.13 Released
- The GOF Debug function component has been spun off into a standalone tool
- Licenses are now available for purchase on a daily basis
- The process of purchasing and delivering licenses to users has been automated
Apr 28 2024, GOF V10.12 Released
- GOF ECO Bug Fix: Resolved GFILLER cell mismatch issue
- GOF ECO Speed Up: Optimized script for Cadence Innovus
- GOF for Large Language Models: Enhanced support for training
- GOF AI Support: Technical support system now available
Feb 19 2024, GOF V10.11 Released
- GOF ECO: Sub-module retargeting ECO to top full netlist
- GOF ECO: Incorporation of Third-party LEC non-equivalence data to guide fix_design
- GOF ECO: Enhancement through user-applied equal inversion information
- GOF ECO: Addressing corner cases by refining sub-module netlist dumping
Jan 2 2024, GOF V10.10 Released
- GOF ECO: Formality help files generation
- GOF ECO: Set reset pin ECO to avoid race condition in DFF flop
- GOF ECO: Fixed clock gating cell bug due to back end optimization
- GOF ECO: ECO run speed optimization
Nov 26 2023, GOF V10.9 Released
- GOF ECO: Pre-layout netlist loading for accurate boundary phase detection
- GOF ECO: Constant propagation enhancement
- GOF ECO: Unmapped hierarchies processing
- GOF Debug: Enhanced counter example display on schematic
Oct 3 2023, GOF V10.8 Released
- GOF ECO: Boundary ports mapping reference
- GOF ECO: A bug fix in RTL compare when IMP has no fanout
- GOF Debug: Hierarchical ports display with logic values
- GOF Debug: GUI ECO and verification enhancement
Aug 15 2023, GOF V10.7 Released
- GOF ECO: Enhanced SVF multibit support
- GOF ECO: Report timing by reading SDF
- GOF ECO: A bug fix in boundary optimization ECO
- GOF ECO: A bug fix in System Verilog parser in RTL Compare
Jun 20 2023, GOF V10.6 Released
- GOF ECO: Report timing API integration
- GOF ECO: From and to option in timing report
- GOF ECO: Flexible through option in timing report
- GOF Debug: GUI schematic enhancement
Apr 24 2023, GOF V10.5 Released
- GOF ECO: Flatten ECO option in fix_design
- GOF DBG: New instance name editable in GUI ECO
- GOF ECO: Bug fix in set_define for verilog library
- GOF ECO: Bug fix in ECO involving backslash instance and wire names
- GOF ECO: Bug fix in unmapped hierarchical ports between REF and IMP
- GOF LEC: Cross module flop merge support
Feb 20 2023, GOF V10.4 Released
- GOF ECO: DFT Design Rule Checker
- GOF ECO: Enhancement in Metal Only ECO in complex cells usage
- GOF ECO: Fixed a bug in repeated running undo_eco
- GOF Debug: Removed port restriction in GUI ECO operation
Jan 15 2023, GOF V10.3 Released
- GOF ECO: Physical aware ECO
- GOF ECO: Bug fix in check_design
- GOF ECO: Enhancement in set_pin_constant/set_net_constant
- GOF Debug: Enhancement in GUI LEC for single point
Nov 26 2022, GOF V10.2 Released
- GOF ECO: SVF support enhancement
- GOF ECO: Optimization in register merger check
- GOF ECO: Bug fix in tie logic handling
- GOF Formal: SEU fault enhancement
Oct 20 2022, GOF V10.1 Released
- Optimization in net phase inversion crossing hierarchies
- API to support flop phase inversion ECO
- Bug fix in metal only ECO spare list generation
- Enhancement in spare gate type constraint
Sep 1 2022, GOF V10.0 Released
- GOF Formal functional component
- SPFM and LFM calculation
- Single fault debug and VCD dump
- Support stuck-at 0, stuck-at 1 and SEU
Jul 25 2022, GOF V9.5 Released
- Verify faults for functional safety
- VCD dump support for verify_faults
- Verify signal state by input sequence
- ECO bug fix in memory tie pins
Mar 14 2022, GOF V9.4 Released
- Bug fix in spare gates mapping
- LEC report enhancement
- GOF LEC has dedicated license
- Bug fix in RTL guided ECO
Jan 31 2022, GOF V9.3 Released
- RTL to Netlist LEC feature
- GOF platform supports three products: ECO, LEC and Debug
- Enhancements on key points mapping
- Bug fixes in RTL guided ECO
Nov 8 2021, GOF V9.2 Released
- Find equal nets feature between RTL and netlist
- GUI mode for finding equal nets
- Enhanced flop phase inversion detection in synthesis
- Synthesize Reference RTL in RTL supplemental ECO
Sep 21 2021, GOF V9.1 Released
- RTL to RTL comparison for supplemental ECO flow
- API rtl_compare added for parallel RTL to RTL comparison
- Liberty files loading cached to speed up the next read
- RTL Patch enhancement in interface connection guidance
Aug 1 2021, GOF V9.0 Released
- RTL Patch ECO to avoid full scale and long synthesis process
- Embedded RTL Patch ECO to have RTL code written in netlist
- Discrete RTL Patch ECO to have flexible stand alone Patch file
- RTL Patch optimization to fully utilize existing logic
- Option in read_library to load library for Reference Netlist only
Jun 28 2021, GOF V8.2 Released
- More optimization on area and timing aware patch generation
- Speeded up large verilog library file reading
- Fixed bug in flop clock/data mixing
- Fixed bug in change_net API
- Enhanced get_loads API
May 3 2021, GOF V8.1 Released
- Enhanced DCT/DCG boundary optimized netlist ECO
- Optimized on patch size when input ports tied to zero
- Fixed bug in output TCL ECO script
- Speeded up read_library in large netlist as black box cells
May 3 2021, GVT V2.1 Released
- Fast display of buffer chains
- Fixed a bug in moving view to hierarchical instance
- Cleared display cache for the correct display
- Fixed instance name display with backslash
Mar 9 2021, GOF V8.0 Released
- Implemented Metal-Configurable Gate Array ECO flow
- Improved run speed significantly in large netlist
- Fixed bug in external synthesis tool support
- Fixed bug in delete port netlist write out
Jan 15 2021, GOF V7.7 Released
- Enhanced GOF shell and GUI to be Non-blocking
- Added save and restore GOF ECO sessions
- Optimized DFT friendly processing
- Fixed bugs in spare cell mapping
- Enhanced ECO retargeting feature
Feb 24 2021, GVT V2.0 Released
- Enhanced net loading display in GofTrace
- Added scan chain tracing feature in GofTrace
- Flops equivalence check on schematic
- Nets equivalence check on schematic
Nov 22 2020, GOF V7.6 Released
- Constant propagation through flop set/reset pin
- Fixed dont use cell command multi-thread mode
- Enhanced multi-bit flops processing
Aug 16 2020, GOF V7.5 Released
- SVF text file support for multibit
- Fixed bug in latch processing
- Fixed bugs in GUI ECO
Jun 23 2020, GOF V7.4 Released
- Design Ware instances remapping to reduce ECO size
- Enhanced net loading display in GofTrace
- Added scan chain tracing feature in GofTrace
- Outperforms Conformal ECO
Jun 23 2020, GVT V1.1 Released
- Enhanced net loading display in GofTrace
Apr 21 2020, GOF V7.3 Released
- Supported System Verilog connections
- Enhanced DFT circuit handling
- Fixed floating nets processing
- Fixed duplicated ports processing
Nov 07 2019, GOF V7.2 Released
- Optimization on boundary phase inversion
- Constant pin propagation to reduce ECO size
- Fixed bug in ECO verilog output
Sep 03 2019, GOF V7.1 Released
- Enhanced incremental synthesis for patch size
- Further improved LEC performance
- Fixed bugs in uniquify modules
- Enhanced support in flop phase inversion
Jun 10 2019, GOF V7.0 Released
- Doubled ECO run speed
- Cut memory usage in half
- Enhanced Key Point Mapping
Sep 29 2018, GVT V1.0 Released
- Spin-off from Gates On the Fly
- Incremental Schematic
- Powerful Debug Features
Jul 18 2018, GOF V6.2 Released
- Bug fix in Reference port clone in Parallel Processing
- Optimized processing speed
- Added feature to detect Flip-Flop phase inversion
Jun 11 2018, GOF V6.1 Released
- Parallel Processing
- Up to 5X run time improvement
- Flipflop merging enhancement
Apr 23 2018, GOF V6.0 Released
- Parallel processing implemented
- Improve run speed several folds
Nov 06 2017, GOF V5.6 Released
- Enhanced Parameters/Defines in verilog library file
- Enhanced Liberty file parser, multi-curly-brace in one line
- Enhanced black box handling
- Added API for flop mapping
- Improved patch size
Sep 25 2017, GOF V5.5 Released
- Enhanced single error fix in complicated combinational logic ECO
- Beat Conformal ECO in single error rectification
- Supported Clock Tree ECO
- Hierarchical Clock Gating Cell Bug Fix
Jun 30 2017, GOF V5.4 Released
- GUI ECO Enhancements
- Auto ECO Speed Up
- Support single port to bus port
- Support System Verilog netlist port format
- Bug fix in reset/set flop handling
- Reduce memory usage in ECO operations
Apr 06 2017, GOF V5.3 Released
- Support hierarchical new modules
- Error out on unresolved instances
- Speed up ECO process
- Tied up scan in pins to zero by default
- Bug fixes in corner cases
Feb 06 2017, GOF V5.2 Released
- Top down Automatic ECO, no need to specify modified modules as in the previous generations
- Global Logic Equivalence Check to guarantee equivalent result
- Unified ECO API, 'fix_design'
- Integrated Auto ECO Methods
Nov 23 2016, GOF V5.1 Released
Sep 25 2016, GOF V5.0 Released
- Highly Improved Auto ECO Performance
- Beat Conformal ECO in Performance
May 09 2016, GOF V4.6 Released
- Auto ECO patch size improvement
- Multi-bit flop support
- Auto ECO Scan Chain bypass
Dec 27 2015, GOF V4.5 Released
- Enhanced auto ECO in Scan Chain handling
- Bypass all Scan Chain related ports
- Added phase option in get_driver API
Jun 20 2015, GOF V4.4 Released
Sep 21 2014, GOF V4.3 Released
Jul 5 2014, GOF V4.2 Released
- Enhanced direct fix on BDD variables
- Removed redundant gates on no-fanout ports
- Added schematic mirror function for buffers/inverters
Feb 14 2014, GOF V4.1 Released
- Preserve buffer trees after 'fix_modules'
- Support flatten command to process hierarchical module
- Bug fix in 'get_match_nets' API
Dec 2 2013, GOF V4.0 Released
- Significant enhancement in Automatic ECO
- API 'fix_modules' to run ECO on modified modules only
- Connect up scan chain after ECO
- Convert new gates to spare type only gates
- Avoid redundant fixes
- Efficient and speedy
Feb 03 2013, GOF V3.2 Released
- New APIs, 'set_constraint' for Spare Gates mapping, 'swap_inst' for instances swapping
- Enhance 'get_loads' API to support fanout endpoints listing
- GofTrace Schematic customer menu by '-usermenu menu_name' option
- Support peer gate loading for connectors in GofTrace Schematic
- Support sub-hierarchical in reference netlist in automatic ECO
Apr 29 2012, GOF V3.1 Released
- Fixed bug in DEF parser when backslash is in hierarchical instance
- Enhanced leakage/area report
- More power related APIs and features
- Fixed Latch Clock handling
- Enhanced Waveform Restore in Gate Level
Oct 08 2011, GOF V3.0 released.
- Automatic ECO.
- Complete Netlist ECO solutions
- Built-in Logic Equivalence Check.
May 16 2011, GOF V2.4 released.
- Enhanced standard library parser.
- Logic equivalence check in logic cone ECO.
- Upgrade SOC Encounter ECO script support.
- Virtual leaf cell configuration for both schematic and netlist save.
- More GofCall APIs exposed.
- Bug fixes including negative bus index, leakage power calculation.
Nov 10, 2010, GOF V2.3 released.
- Add a hierarchical module in netlist ECO.
- Release a use case in adding hierarchical module
- SOC Encounter ECO script support.
- Multiple selections in placement viewer.
- Integrate replace_logic_cone into GofCall APIs.
- Enhanced Prime Time report file processing
Feb 14, 2010, GOF V2.2 released.
- Enhanced GofCall script APIs, added more options for existing APIs
- Added fix_setup and fix_hold for timing fix
- GUI menus adjustment
- Bug fix for keeping original comments after ECO
- Bug fix for deleting floating gates after ECO
- GofCall APIs update
- Fixed a bug in change_pin
- Updated change_port for both input/output
- Enhanced change_net to insert gates
Apr 16, 2009, GOF V2.1 released.
- Annotate Schematic
- VCD support to trace signal changes
- Good for x tracing in gate level
- Cosmetic changes in GofTrace Schematic window
Sep 26, 2008, GOF V2.0 released.
- Clipboard manipulation in GofTrace Schematic
- Single mouse click to copy net name or instance string to clipboard in GofTrace schematic
- Large flat netlists have long, unreadable net names and instance names
- Some companies adopt a flow to work on hierarchical sub-module, then mapping to the flat netlist
- However the mapping failures are higher and higher when the process going lower, P&R tools are doing more aggressively to change the netlist structure to make it routable and speedy.
- Work on the flat netlist directly is the solution
- Combining GofTrace schematic and GofCall script interface is the best way to process netlist