GOF LEC Overview

The GOF platform features a built-in powerful logic equivalence checker tool called GOF LEC. While not mandatory, the tool can benefit from SVF files in certain cases. It is strongly advised to utilize SVF files if they are obtainable, especially for designs with multibit flop. The two designs being compared can either be in RTL or Netlist format, with RTL supporting SystemVerilog2017. The read design method differs depending on whether RTL or Netlist is being supported.

Figure 1: GOF LEC Engine

Netlist to Netlist LEC

The following is the example script for Netlist to Netlist LEC:

# LEC script, run_net2net_lec.pl
use strict;
read_library("art.5nm.lib"); # Read in standard library
read_svf('-ref', 'AI2023_top_syn.svf.txt'); # Optional, must be loaded before read_design, must be in text format
read_svf('-imp', 'AI2023_top_pr.svf.txt');  # Optional, must be loaded before read_design, must be in text format
read_design('-ref', 'AI2023_top_syn.v'); # Read in the Reference Netlist, prelayout netlist
read_design('-imp', 'AI2023_top_pr.v'); # Read in the Implementation Netlist, postlayout netlist
set_top("AI2021_top"); # Set the top module
set_pin_constant("scan_enable", 0);
set_pin_constant("scan_mode", 0);
my $non_equal = run_lec; # Run logic equivalence check on the two netlists
  gprint("LEC failed with $non_equal non-equivalent points");
  gprint("LEC passed");

RTL to Netlist LEC

The following is the example script for RTL to Netlist LEC:

# LEC script, run_rtl2net_lec.pl
use strict;
read_library("art.5nm.lib"); # Read in standard library
set_inc_dirs("-ref", "inc_dir_path/include");
set_define("-ref", "NO_SIMULATION", 1);
my @rtl_files = ("cpu_core.sv", "mem_ctrl.sv", "display_sys.sv", "chip_top.sv");
read_rtl("-ref", @rtl_files); # Read in the Reference RTL files
read_svf('-imp', 'chip_top.svf.txt');  # Optional, must be loaded before read_design, must be in text format
read_design('-imp', 'chip_top.v'); # Read in the Synthesis Netlist
set_top("CHIP_TOP"); # Set the top module
set_pin_constant("scan_enable", 0);
set_pin_constant("scan_mode", 0);
elab_rtl(); # RTL processing
my $non_equal = run_lec; # Run logic equivalence checking on RTL vs Netlist
  gprint("LEC failed with $non_equal non-equivalent points");
  gprint("LEC passed");

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