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Layout Viewer
- You can check cells placement in backend
layout by using Commands->'View
gates in layout'
- Note: DEF and LEF files should be loaded before doing this command.
- DEF (Design Exchange Format) files can be
loaded by -def option in the command line.
- LEF (Library Exchange Format) files can be
loaded by -lef option in the command line.
- E.G. "gof -synlib synthesis.lib mydesign.v
-def mydesign.def -lef mylib.lef"
- Select the gates and nets on the schematic,
click "View gates in layout"

LayoutViewer window pops up with circuit connections.

The window can be activated by GofViewer->"Layout Viewer" when DEF/LEF have
been loaded in the command line.

LayoutViewer window pops up without any circuit marked.

You can use popup menu and select the gates and connections to be viewed in
the LayoutViewer window and choose "copy selected to"->"Schematic layout0"

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