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Run GofCall in GUI mode

In GofViewer window, click Menu Commands->'Launch GofCall Script Interface'

GofCall interactive window appears.

In the "GOF >" entry, key in GofCall APIs to browser the netlist. For example, key in 'get_cells("*")' and press return, the instances in the current top level are displayed.

Key in "run eco1.pl" to run ECO script in batch mode. eco1.pl has content of

change_pin("u_abc/u0/A", "AOI21X2", "u_abc/new_eco_inst", "frpls2qcif,beat4flg,lnstaddr_e_3_");

You can verify if the ECO has been done correctly be launch schematic in ECO mode.

 Key in "sch u_abc/u0" and return. The schematic window pops up for tracing.

All the marked items are created by the one ECO line

change_pin("u_abc/u0/A", "AOI21X2", "u_abc/new_eco_inst", "frpls2qcif,beat4flg,lnstaddr_e_3_");

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